As you've seen on the blog the last few days - I've been posting songs. Some contemp songs are definitely better than others, but not many hold a candle to a majority of the hymns found in a typical hymnbook. So many hymns never even got published to where we could sing them on any given Sunday (not the movie). My favorite hymn is It Is Well, and we will certainly get to that one.
But, yesterday, Gaynor used a good ole hymn to open up the service with (after the Word of course). It was great, so many Scriptural truths were in it. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty. So, for the next bit, I will be going through the theology of hymns - the Scripturalness of hymns for my quiet time followed by some reading in the Valley of Vision: a book two of my mentors told me about.
This hymn was written by some guy who died when he was 30 years old. He lived in the mid-1600s. There may be some differences between now and then in terms of culture - but every
The names of God in this hymn:
Lord - the very name of God as He gives it to Moses at the burning bush (Ex 3)
Almighty - Rev 21.22 - the very center of Heaven
King of Creation (Gen 1, Ps 8, Ps 19, John 1, Ps 29:1-3)
My health and salvation - Ps 41.3 - whether here or in death
Indweller of the temple (Heb 8 - He is now our mediator)
Reigner (as in over all things) - Many times in the Psalms He is known as King
Protector and Sustainer (Ps 91.1, Phil 4.13, Ps 31.15) -
Prosperer and Defender (Ps37.7)
Goodness, mercy, omnipresent (Ps 23)
Almighty (I think we covered this one)
Adored - Its what the angels do
Lover (Hosea)
Friend (John)
What am I commanded to do in response to this knowledge?
Praise Him (how many times does it say that?) - Ps 150
Obey Him (all who hear, come) - John, Ps 1
Gladly adore Him - He doesn't want our mean spirits or "have-tos"
Think about Him (Deut) - When I think about the Lord... (another great song that isn't a hymn)
Wholeheartedly worship Him - He wants EVERYTHING - oh how hard that is.
Why is it so hard? Living the Christian life with JEsus as Lord is much harder I think than anyone ever told me. It is easy to give my life over to someone for the big things because He is the only perfect one and I stake my life on that. But, to give over the daily grind, the wanting to watch TV, the wanting to sleep a little bit later, the wanting to have opinions and share them for my own gain...This is the hard stuff.
I'll try to pick out a fave line out of all these hymns:
"Let the amen, sound from His people again" - What He has said, He will do, He is of His Word!
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