Monday, February 16, 2009

Grace and Law: pre Charlton Heston (and Sojourn lyrics)

The Ten Commandments - not the most exciting sermon preached in my opinion. I don't know if its because you can only say so much about these chapters and they are preached and often taken out of context, but I've heard more compelling sermons.
Probably heard the best sermon on the Ten Commandments last night - and there was no video clip of Charlton Heston either! James Santos, a elder-in-training at Sojourn here in Louisville, preached on these chapters, Exoduc 19-24, last night as part of the continuing BC series for 2009. The verse he opened with is why this sermon was so good:
Exodus 20.2: "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery." Our ability to obey the Ten Commandments is preceeded by the grace of God. He allowed them to be in slavery to the Egyptians for over 400 years. Then, only by His Grace and literally the work of His hands, He rescued them and freed them. Freed them to a life of relationship, worship, and obedience, and true freedom in Him.
The rest of the sermon was great - but the focus on obedience because of grace first was amazing. Grace compels us to love Jesus back. This wholes Jesus loved me this I rings true.
Also, the conviction from one of the songs before the sermon was needed:
(Lead Us Back, Sojourn)
From the second verse:
Worshipped beauty, courted kings
And the things their gold affords,
Prayed for those we'd like to know --
Favor sings a siren tune.
We've become a talent show;
Lead us back to life in You

Again, the striving for me never ceases. I strive for so much. I need the conviction of the Word to protect my heart from myself. Desires and the why behind things.
Thankful for the promise: His mercies are new every morning.

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