Thursday, May 07, 2009

Who God is For Us in Psalm 103

Yesterday's reading (which I did today) was Psalm 103 (and Judges and Proverbs). I have been trying to make a list of who God is in these Psalms as I read them. Today is chocked full of descriptives of God's character. Then, we have our part:
1. God forgives all my iniquities (even my binging last night)
2. God heals all my diseases (even in light of the Swine Flu - or colds, or cancer, or whatever).
3. God redeems my life from the pit (when I'm down, discouraged, hurt, wrecked, exhausted, spent, lost, clueless, worrisome, burdened for others, questioning, etc)
4. God crowns me with steadfast love and mercy (I love the word steadfast - it is a picture of His covenant grace and character - it can't change). I need mercy every day in my life.
5. God satisfies me with good (man, I need to claim that even when I don't get what I want when I want it).
6. God works righteousness (in a world that is full of so much wrong, we can REST in knowing that whatever God does is right).
7. God is justice for the oppressed (when we get dished out something we don't deserve, don't turn away - rest in his justice).
8. God reveals Himself to us (thankful for the Word, the Spirit, creation, music, and any other avenue God chooses).
9. God is merciful (see number 4).
10. God is gracious (the story of the gospel).
11. God is slow to anger (even experienced this last night, He is so patient with me).
12. God is abounding in steadfast love (see #4)
13. God will not always chide (see #10).
14. God will not keep his anger forever (His wrath, through Jesus, has been turned away from us).
15. God does not deal with us according to our sins (Christ' righteousness has been imputed - given, put on - us).
16. God does not repay us according to our iniquities (see #15).
17. God shows great steadfast love to those who fear in Him.
18. God removes our sin (study the uniqueness and gloriousness of the cross).
19. God shows fatherly compassion on his children (He knows what we are going through)
20. God shows compassion to those who fear Him.
21. God knows our frame, that we are dust (He created us)
22. God shows everlasting love to those who fear him (see #4)
23. God's righteousness is to generations (part of his eternal unchanging nature).
24. God established (forever) his throne in the heavens (above all earthly powers).
25. God's kingdom rules (see #24).

Our job:
1. Bless the Lord
2. Fear Him
3. Keep His covenant
4. Remember His commands
5. Forget not all His benefits

So, when you are feeling "blue" or down or wondering what in the world life holds or what is coming next or you can't find your way out of a paper bag - know that God is unchanging. All these things He was to the Psalmist - He is for us.

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