This past weekend I was able to go to RDU - the best place in the world outside of St. Augustine! Honestly - the saying for me is - Nothin' can go wrong in Carolina. God blessed that state with beautiful scenery, wonderful people, great churches, great restaurants, a great Seminary, and fantastic state university! So...here are some highlights from the weekend...
Pulled into rainy Wake Forest on Friday around lunch time. After dropping by Stealey Drive on Southeastern's campus to see Rach, met up with Charity at the Tea Room. I love the tea room, but the food wasn't stellar that day. The scones I had been so looking forward to were dry and tasteless that day - even with honey (since I don't like Devonshire cream). But, the company was wonderful. Charity and I had time to sit and chat and see what God was doing in our lives! And drinking hot tea while its raining outside - couldn't get much better than that!
Then the day was crazy after that. Went to get my haircut by Kathleen - love going to a hair dresser that knows what you want and will fit you in when you come visit! Oh, and I stopped by the Inquest offices next door to see Tina and Mike. Then I went to see Leah and Baxter (Georgia was asleep and Nathan I suppose was at the office). It was only momentary - but wonderful to see a cute little baby - who was born just one day after I saw them in September.
Then I drove to the other end of Raleigh to see another newborn - Heather and Billy had baby James Michael on Thursday night and I got to see mother and son on Friday. So cute with a head full of black hair. Billy had to work, so I didn't get to see him. Then went to my famed chiropractor. God is again so good in allowing me doctors who will see me when I come back in town, know exactly the problem, fix it, and give me things to do to help it not happen again - so I can wait until May to get adjusted again. Thank you Dr. Adams! :)
Drove then to Cary to meet up with Frank, Kasey, Katelyn, and Mr. Carter for Ruby Tuesdays! It was yummy and it was fun to see Katelyn devouring and playing in Frank's cake.
Then we had much to do to get ready for the women's conference next day. Finally got to sleep a little after midnight, woke up at 6 to get 'er done - as some friends like to say. God was gracious in letting that little bit of sleep last till almost midnight Saturday night.
The conference was wonderful - more on that in a later blog. Then went to Champps to hang out with Erin, Janel, and Jason while watching the Gator game (Chomp Chomp), the Heel football game (even though they would later lose), and the Heel Bball game - which they did win - it was their first game of the season! Good times. Such a lively place in there. Then it took me about 30 minutes to get out of the Southpoint parking lot - reminded me of the weeks right before Christmas when it took over an hour.
Got to hang out with my favorite family in Durham - the Bacons. Jean Anne was at the One Student retreat from the Summit. Bob's family was in town, and Noah was playing with his new "toy" from Dick's Sporting Goods. Clarissa and I were watching football, eating dinner, and sitting on the couch just talking for 4 hours or so - so wonderful. I miss that woman! :) Really - that family is such a blessing to me! I need to go back when I can stay longer! Thanks Bacons!
Sunday was a great time for me. Went to CMR campus of Summit but Curtis wasn't there yet, so I didn't get to see him. They run a well-oiled machine over there in the set-up and welcome station - hosted by Miss Carla Boast! :) Then on to the Briar Creek campus. It was great to see people, but more importantly - what a great time of musical worship (led by the talented Jason Douglas) and preaching in Philippians by JD on prayer. Then on to the WCC Campus and saw the Captain, Brad and Jena-Marie, the Workmans, Dinglers, etc. Good times too.
Finished off my weekend in Carolina by having lunch with the Wrights. Steve's family was in town as well. But, Tina fixed a great lunch and we all chatted about different things, ministry, and necklaces. Then, unfortunately, it was time for me to head back to the ville. Passed snow in the SW Va mtns on the way back and had a quick drive thanks to Beth. So glad God gave opportunity for a relaxing, do everything, worshipful, fun weekend in Carolina!
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