Sunday, October 11, 2009

Gratitude Part 1

I just finished Nancy Leigh Demoss' newest book, Choosing Gratitude. My thoughts on that book will be part 2 of the Gratitude blogs. (I'm very thankful that it was a free book - thank you!)
This weekend has just been grand. I have thoroughly enjoyed it. I wanted to share with you (whoever you are) some of the blessings that God has poured out on my life this wknd.

1. Work on Friday night. I work in the housing office to get some money taken off my rent each month. This easy, do-nothing job has been great. And it has given me opp to see some Boyce girls and buid a better relationship with them.
2. Whole Foods - I've gotten to go twice this weekend. What a great place. I'm not rich enough to buy all my groceries there, but I do buy a few things there each week.
3. Fall weather. This is one thing that I like better in both KY and NC rather than FL. I like waking up on crisp fall mornings. Then, I am ready for Spring. Yes - I'm fickle!
4. Apple Picking with a sweet friend. It worked out very well to only have one lady be able to go apple picking. One of the joys of being at Crossing last year was to meet Ben and Cynthia - Cynthia is wonderful (Ben too). She juiced all these great fruits and veggies to go along with the pumpking muffins I brought for our breakfast. She is an encouragement to me, and pushed me for the sake of the gospel. And we just had FUN!

5. Cooking. God has given me talent and enjoyment in this - and having fun stuff to bake and cook for others is such a pleasure to me.
6. Football and friends. I love FLORIDA football. And I love my friends, Brad and Lindsay Weldy. We have moved 3 states together. They have 3 of the most darling kids. I got to hang out with them last night while they had a date. I loved on the baby, then watched football in HD. What a blessing. They are amazing friends - ones I can be completely honest with and let down my guard around, one who encourage me, ones who love me, ones who let me love on their kids, ones who display the gospel boldly in the lives and home and marriage. They are the biggest blessing in this city to me.

7. Down Comforter. When my brother and sister in law moved to Africa, I got their down comforter. I love it. It is so warm and comfy and weighted. I love to snuggle under it. Unfortunately - I didn't get enough time under it last night.
8. Serving Communion. Communion in and of itself is amazing. But, serving it is a joy as well. Sojourn is a fairly big church, and I definitely don't know tons of people. This morning, the quote from Princess Bride came to my mind before I served "Love her, as I love her, and there will be peace" - from Prince Humperdink announcing his choice of a bride. I got to serve a faculty member and his family, a friend who does everything at Sojourn including waving the magic parking wand, a dude from the Summit whose birthday is today, a new friend from the seminary. The wonderful thing is - folks looking you in the eye when you say "the Body of Christ, broken for you", claiming it, accepting it, and voicing it back to you. Behold, the family of Christ!

9. Beautiful weather. It was cool and clear and sunny today in Louisville. So, I got my camera out and sauntered down Frankfort Avenue - snapping pictures, and just enjoying the weather.

10. Friend for a good lunch. I love friends. One of my dearest ones here, again from Crossing, is Sarah. Sarah has been a fantastic friend, we go to lunch about once a month, and text encouraging things to each other. We share prayer requests, and the joys that God has in our lives. And we ate at a new fave of mine in the Ville - North End Cafe (locally grown, great food, warm fun atmosphere - perfect for sitting for 2 hours for a relaxing lunch).

11. Fresh baked bread. A friend who give me a bagel recipe - and then smelling the yeast as it rises and then baking it off.

12. A laptop with a strong battery. I love my little Samsung portable Netbook. Its great. I carry it like a book - and it is perfect to use while sitting in Mullins checking ID. (Thanks Dad!)
Learn to be grateful in and for all things. Voice these praises! Ok - more from NLD later this week.
So, even though I am praying about many things: future, relationships, control issues, - God is so good.
"I will bless the Lord at all times - His praise will continuously be in my mouth." - Ps 34.1 (again, I am thankful for Chris Gaynor who got that verse drilled into my head at the Summit.

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