Thursday, April 09, 2009


Must have seriously woke up on the wrong side of bed this morning. I'll first go with my day so far then I'll go to what I read this morning in the next post - thoughtful thursday.
Finally quit hitting the snooze at 6.51. I didn't sleep well. I think it was an odd temperature in the house, wasn't extremely tired when I went to bed at 10, woke up at 10:53 to answer a text, woke up at 3 to hear the garbage truck making its glorious entrance into our parking lot space, then finally just got up.
The scale went up .2 and I've been doing the same thing I've been doing the last three weeks when I've been losing on average 2 lbs a week. What's the scoop? But my clothes are fitting better - uck!
My Bible that I read my QTs out of was at the office so I didn't do my full quiet time, just read some in Elyse Fitzpatrick. Bemoaned the fact that I had gained .2. Contemplated a meeting I was having today and what I wanted to ask. Really caring about the lack of discipline in some areas, but things that were great in life as well.
Don't want to have a bad attitude about other things either - weight, being single, fact that people get engaged so young and only having known each other less than 6 months, I mean come on. Or the fact that others are so much better at things than me, or have more skills, or run faster, or bake better, or look better, or lose weight faster...or that fact that no one wants to marry me, or the fact that I'm not "gentle and quiet" enough or...the list could go on. I'm just not good enough. or that fact that life is such a daily struggle sometimes.
Ok - enough of my wrong side of the bed. Jesus is still on his throne - the tomb is empty.
Now, to the Thoughtful Thursday in the next one. This is why I have and am in desparate need of a Savior!

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