Sunday, December 31, 2006

Late December B-days

Well, there have been a lot of b-days of important people in my life here in the latter days of 2006. Thought I would give them something here, not much and it doesn't cost a thing...
On the left as the bride - is Davia. Her b-day was Friday. She is now married and living up where she belongs, in the cold, almost where she grew up, outside the state of FL. This was taken at her wedding in September a couple of years ago. She has a little baby boy born this year. Davia - I hope this year is one of family, learning, and growth for you.
Next is Devan. She is one of my "girls" from my youth ministry days in St. Aug. I can't wait to go back to FL just to get to hang out with her more than once a year. God is doing so much in her life and I can't wait to see what God does this year. Dev - keep trusting, believing, and serving.
On the right is Michelle. She in one year, started dating her husband again, got engaged, moved back to NC, got married, and now is a crucial part of life here in NC for many people, but most importantly her hubby. This picture was taken at the rehearsal of the wedding of the century. Mg - I hope this year brings you additions to your family, love from your husband, and great cooking experiences as you bake and serve others with that. Sorry I am moving away from you - thank goodness for emails (if you ever check them).
Last, without a picture (b/c I don't have any on here from college), is Ame. She is the area director for Young Life Seminole County, FL. She loves youth - they are her passion, and she is very good at it and loved in return. She lived down the hall from me my freshman year of college, and we became friends. We've stayed friends and Ame - I'm looking forward to getting back within an hour of you so we can actually hang out! I wish you success in YL and in life as your pursue faithfulness and God.
Happy Birthday girls!

Friday, December 29, 2006

Saddam's Sadness

Following breaking news (since work is so boring), I have been reading about the impending hanging of Saddam. I don't remember much time in my life w/o Saddam being the "big story" - at least since the early 90s (when I really followed news reports).
Yes, what he did was grevious to say at least - definitely horrible against humanity - killing over 100 people just recently, not to mention all the war crimes that were committed by his command. But, I can only think one thing (and start to cry over it).
More than likely (since only God knows the hearts of man) - Saddam is less than 30 days (more than likely 1 day) away from spending an eternity in hell. He will meet His MAKER and He will say depart from me, I never knew you. What will Sadam say then - he won't be able to say anything.
As I look at pictures of him that are on Fox and CNN, I see a man that at any moment will spend the rest of time (which I can't even fathom) in a place of continual torture (beyond anything he ever made) by fire. That brings sadness to me.
He is evil - yes. So am I - and my only way out of hell is by the purchased blood of Jesus - for that I am eternally grateful and redeemed. Did anyone ever share with Saddam? I wonder? I wonder what it was like for Christians to hear of the death of Hitler? Were they saddened or glad? Bittersweet maybe?
Think about it - any thoughts?

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Florida in December

These pictures are in random order. Me and Jill - I've known her since she was 13. She is very special to me. I wouldn't have missed her wedding for anything (her reception yes, wedding no). Then it is my family (mom, dad, me, ty, and alan) in front of Vine's restaurant in Orlando. Then it is me and Phyllis and Billy - my mentors and some of my best friends in the world. Billy got to pray over Jill and Matty as Pastor Ron prayed aloud. Then this is a great full length shot. Congrats Matty and Jilly - I pray God allows you to spend some time on this side of the ocean (they will reside in Australia - from one beach to another).

Monday, December 18, 2006

The Incarnation

Surprises me every year...
Reading John 1 today...
He gave up everything to come bridge the gap that we caused by our sin. All according to God's plan. He didn't buck at the idea - he came and dwelt to show us God's glory.
When I don't desire things of God - which is right now, just not wanting, desiring, craving, to read the Word, anything...He does. He, on earth, desired to pray to His Father, commune with His Father.
Now we could say this is all because He was God - rightly so. But, Jesus was also completely human - that meant he had the same flesh we did, but was without sin. He chose to deny flesh - so can I.
He called me out of this world, out of the flesh, out of giving in to my desires - He called me out to follow Him (just like He did the disciples in John 1).
Let my flesh be weak - in grace and mercy alone. Give me right desires - from Stuff that fulfills - not filling life with fleeting things...

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


I've been thinking about this the past couple of days.
The holidays are a time for food cravings: eggnog, gingerbread, cranberries, mint, etc. There are some tastes that only can be had when it is cold outside
But, there are other cravings too.
I had one filled the other night by having dinner at a home (not an apt), with a family (not by myself), that was a real meal (meat and potatoes type thing). It was delicious, company was great. Much needed and sad to have gone for so long without it. A family - Mom, Dad, kid...that was great. All church families need to hook up single people with them and "adopt them". Not just college kids!
I was reading an email from a pastor of a church plant in White Plains NY the other day. A lady in their new church had the church over for dinner. In a busy metro place like NY a woman filled a need and some cravings by having fellowship and community in her home: by practicing hospitality. I guarantee there were people there who hadn't sat down to a meal all week - always eating on the run or grabbing a bagel at the corner bakery. Oh, the power of homecooked meals and fellowship.
Last night I made mac and cheese - the blue box kind. It was good. I hadn't had it in so long, someone at work mentioned it, and I wanted it. So, I'm glad I had a box. My roommate helped me eat some of it. I also made some homemade popcorn - which is much better than out of a bag (thanks Vern).
But...there is a spiritual craving I've been lacking lately. I'll lay down to read the Word and there is no drive for me to read it. I go through periods like this. I hate it. Ps 84, Ps 37, Ps 27, Ps 86 - all these talk about portions, cravings, desires, one thing...that is what I want. Why can't it be satiated just like my "need" for mac and cheese. My need for the Word and for fellowship with my Jesus is much more important than having those "blue box blues".
Just thought - may you crave the Savior this holiday season. He won't add pounds to your hips either! :)

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Great Saturday!
Cycling, hiking, cleaning, exercising.
Then - what a way to end the night!!!

GO GATORS - SEC CHAMPs - and all the defensive style points you need for any BCS championship game against OsU (becaue USC lost!)

Good night!