First, my Mom - Dianne, Mother when I'm whining, usually just Mom. My biggest fan, the artist of most of the paintings in my house, and a great cook. Thanks Mom! I love you...
Next, is my mentor mother...Phyllis, Mrs. Billy, She really taught me how to cook, be a Godly woman, love on teenagers, love her husband, have a quiet time - a real one, hospitality to its fullest. Thank you - you are amazing. Her kids, Jill and Jeremy, will definitely rise up and call her blessed. Look forward to seeing you in a few weeks. PTL
Another, Mom #2 as some of us girls call her. Mrs. S, teacher extraordinaire, Mom to 2 grown kids with kids of their own. She believed in my musical ability back when I was a jabbermouth with glasses in the seventh grade. Thank you!
Now are some I know... (I'll miss some, please don't take it personally):
Veronica - the First Mom at the Summit Church - she has the cutest girls - She knows her theology, teaches it to her girls, disciplines her girls, loves her husband, bakes, and most people say way out of her husband's league - but she's great!
Clarissa - she's my deacon's wife at church - much more, she's a great roommate in Thailand and a great eating partner at Elmos. She's got great kids too!
Joy - she's an adoptive Mom, but a Mom none the less. She's a busy mom to a 17 mth old and 2 dogs. Her husband is on faculty at SWBTS and his www is here if you want to see more pictures of Rachel. She's a great friend who has always been able to tell me like it is (even though I don't always listen)...(ah, remember the days)
Laura - MOOOOOO. You can check out her blog here and see her cute baby. We met before she even got to Flagler, lived on the same hall in the dorm, I sang in their wedding, now she's a Mom with lots of creative gifts and is using them.

T - my friend who works overseas. She is the second newest Mom of the bunch...she's gorgeous and loves serving Jesus. Her blog is here and you can see baby J.
Kasey - amazing girl who loves Jesus and her husband and new baby. She did our makeup at her wedding - definitely the most godly wedding I've been to (to date of course).
Lindsay - She is the newest Mommy. We met doing a DNOW in Charlotte, now she is married to a good friend of mine. They are from the good state. She is going to raise little Shep just great!
Patty - my worship pastor's wife from ABC - her girls are equally as cute and she came into motherhood in a most unique birthing place a little bit earlier than expected. I look forward to seeing you in June too (and your girls and husband)
Corinne - Even though I never get to see you...I know you have three precious kids - the first being Genesis - know that you are loved. You guys just need to move further south so we can all see you (I think most of us live in the south...see what you are missing)
Stace - You have perhaps taught me the most out of all the young moms. You and Rick love, nurture, teach, and discipline both Jacob and Noel. Your love for the Word and you being so real with me on struggles and joys. Thank you - your friendship amazes me, even if you do live in SC.
Sandra - You taught me a lot while at seminary, in the office, at Open Door - thank you - about prayer and faith even in times of uncertainty. You have raised two great boys who love you dearly!
Merriem - Oh, the Mom wonder of three boys. Danny wouldn't not survive without you. The decisions that have been made over the past year - you are great! Keep being a Mom for Jesus and a light to all who see you!
Moms listed amaze me. Your patience with your kids overwhelm me. Thank you for your love for Jesus and your kids. It is definitely the most important job in the world IF I EVER have kids - I will use much of what you have taught me to hopefully raise them like you have done your kids. Your kids will rise up and call you blessed and you will train up your children in the way they should go - so they go out into all the world proclaiming the name of Jesus and His glory! Thank you.
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