Thursday, December 01, 2005

2 Chron 25-28 - DECEMBER!!!

25.2 - He did what was right - but not with a whole heart. How this often charactizes my doing right. Lord - help my motives to be pure!
25.15 - Oh, just 13 quick verses - he goes from doing right to setting up gods. Make my heart pure and purify me where I am not prone to set up other gods.
26.16 - AGain, time elapses and we get stronger and then we tend to look toward ourselves. Lord - make me weak in and of myself that I might not grow strong in who I am or what gifts you have given me, but that I would look to you and what you have done and who you are!
28.22 - in times of distress or stress or hard times, let me not grow more faithless, but grow more faithful and look to you and know you even more through the pain.

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