This weekend was packed full of new stuff in St. Augustine - which is always fun!
Stayed with Misty and Cory. This was them at Snowquest in February. They are so much fun!
We went on Friday night out West St. Augustine and picked wild blueberries. We drove up and down the road and then found a whole pile of them next to a new elementary school they are building. The moon was gorgeous and gave us enough light to keep picking till a little after 9p. Misty made great homemade strawberry topping for some shortcake - so it was delicious.
Too bad Cory had to work on Saturday (but he got to see Billy Donovan), but Misty and I went beach fishing down at Marineland. I caught 1 catfish and she caught 3 more catfish and 1 hammerhead. We had a blast (and so did Cora - their dog).
Sang in church on Sat night and Sunday morning. Then helped Patty finish painting their girls' bathroom - that was a first too. Ate at Gypsy Cab and then headed back down to Orange City.
It was altogether a great weekend! :)
1 comment:
i love the pic with the hand of berries from above! you always have such a good time in St.Aug, why not move there?
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