Wow - what a busy couple of days. God is so gracious in having my parents up here for a few days. They came up Wednesday afternoon just in time for dinner with the Weldys. It was great hanging out with them and eating some delicious food cooked by Lindsay! Such a precious couple to me. I learn so much from them that I can apple in my life - both now and in the future if I ever get married.
Thursday was lunch with Brandi. Mom cooked some great taco soup and then we had pumpkin muffin cakes for dessert. I'm glad Brandi got to hang out with my folks. Dad came to chapel with me too. Then he left to head to Cincinnati and Mom and I got a few more days to hang out and do girl stuff.
Thursday night we shopped and Friday night we shopped. Saturday we ate at Lynn's and then explored the road between Louisville and Cincinnati. We went to General Butler State Park (see other post) and some Wal-marts looking for shoes (to no avail). Side note: while Mom was getting her hair done, I strolled down to W-S where I've worked the past 4 Christmases. This year I'm not working there because I really wanna go to FL for Christmas. I walked in and totally felt a freedom from materialism and needing everything in that store. Thank you Jesus!
Saturday we went to IKEA for Mom to get some frames that we are going to work on while I'm at home during the holidays. Then we joined up with Dad to head to Montgomery Inn down on the Ohio for dinner. Then we watched some football, hung out on FB, and Dad slept.
We woke up early on Sunday, grabbed some Cracker Barrel for breakfast, then headed off to a church service at Cincinnati Primitive Baptist Church. A song service of about 5 hymns, all without music, then two sermons by Justin Huffman (asst guy at Cincinnati) and Thomas Mann (from VA). I loved one thing he said from Is 46: God used a man from afar to free us from captivity and offer us the chance to go back home and worship. Sound familiar? God used a foreign king who didn't know God at all to do this back then. Later - He would use Jesus to do that very thing. What a great prophetic word.
Then tonight got home and was so ready to go to Crossing. So thankful God has brought that church into my life. They rock out in worship. But, you know...
Worship really isn't about style. I learn this very slowly. Yes, I love the new worship styles in chapel at Southern. It is more free and more contemporary, so to me, it is more conducive to true worship. That is just me. Then this morning singing hymns, sitting down, no music, all verses...the truth was still in those hymns. Then tonight - Eddy and Phillip and guys rocking out to songs - all done for the pleasure of Jesus and there was truth in the lyrics that we were singing. The truth is found in worship. I pray God will continue to work on my heart when the style isn't necessarily my type - that He would allow me to come boldly before his throne in awe-filled worship of Him -joyfully!
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