Monday, December 08, 2008

Advent 2008.6: Wisdom and Payment

Piper focuses in on the wisdom of Jesus, the Son today. I work at a seminary - tons of brilliant men teach here. When I was in seminary, I was amazed at how the men I learned from could quote books, have memories that recalled most things they had ever read - they could discuss any topic at the drop of a hat - and sound intelligent. I can maybe do that with a limited number of topics: cooking, college football, some spiritual topics - but I still want to "study up" before I have to talk.
Jesus doesn't have to study up. He is all-knowing - because He is one with the Father - He is God. One thing He knew before coming to earth was that He was coming to earth to die. That was the purpose of His mission.
Two things that stood out to me: "He knows God perfectly." (60). Jesus knows God perfectly because He is God perfectly. I often want to know God better, but take little steps and often put off doing things that will enable me to know Him more. But, I will only see dimly till I reach Heaven. "He knows all our thoughts before we express them." (58). Psalm 139.3, 4: "You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether." JD mentioned a while back - in the presence of Jesus is the safest place. As I was driving to Sojourn last night I was in a hurry, fussing at the people who were blocking St. Catharine Street and making me late, irritated at the people constantly getting up and walking in front of me. Jesus knew I was thinking these thoughts. Best thing: I have the ability to confess them - and still hope in Grace and ability to stand in His presence because of the Gospel! Forgiveness and grace.
And what about purchasing all these gifts at Christmas time. We spend so much time standing in line, surfing the net, laying down our credit cards, cash, are ATM cards. We search for that perfect gift. We were purchased already by the blood of Jesus - to set us free from the things I mentioned above - sin - and free us to worship and live on mission with God. 1 Corinthians 6.19b-20 "You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."

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