Winter holds two progressive dinners for me. Last night was version 1. It was with Laura and David Dawkins and Beth and Wes Crouser. Such a fun time.
Started off with the salad course at my apt. This conversation was mostly about school, work, and random stuff.
Next was the Dawkinses' house. They had the main course and all was set out beautifully by Laura. She is such the great person for that! David opened up with a psalm about how God has faithfully and graciously withheld his wrath from us and offered us salvation. We enjoyed the food and shared our favorite Christmas memory from this past week.
Our dessert course was at the Crouserses'. Such a chic apt complete with a Roombie (a automatic vacuum cleaner). We got to make homemade fruit pizzas, have a contest for the best one (Wes won, but since it was his house, Laura took home the prize - a disco snowman snowglobe). We talked about New Years' Resolutions - if we would keep them or just wanted to do them.
It was great. I am looking forward to Winter Part 2 in 2 weeks!
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