Monday, December 01, 2008

Advent Readings

Holidays are special times because you can read things you might not otherwise read throughout the year. On Good Friday (or sometime around there) I've been reading The Cross Centered Life by CJ Mahaney each year. What a great reminder of the cross and living in light of the gospel.
This year for Christmas I want to do the same thing. Since today is December 1 - I thought was a great time to start.
So...the two books I am reading (in addition to my study in Galatians and reading through the Bible) are:
Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ - John Piper (focuses on who Chris is and how we can cherish him). I thought this would be great because we often get so wrapped up in the demands of the season: cooking, shopping, giving, traveling, snow, parties, being tired, music, etc. And we forget about the fact that Jesus came to offer us new life and freedom from this life (and all those demands if they have control over us). I'm looking forward to reading this again.
Christ in Me - Group Publishing. This is a litte gift book that came in a set I found in a trash pile. Who knows? Never read it. But, there are 30 readings of who Christ is for me. So...I have one about who Christ is and one for how His character applies to me. These are shorter readings but one I need to focus on.
I'll try to post my thoughts on these each day as we get closer to Christmas.
What do you do to keep your focus on Christmas - and not everything else?

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