God has been extremely gracious to me the first almost full week of 2009. Here is a recap:
New Years Eve my boss let me off early. That was great. Got to cook and prepare for Eddy's Discorama for New Years! What a blast that was. Danced some, watched dancing some (sorta felt like Dancing with the Stars late 70s style), ate some, talked some, had tons of fun!
Slept in on the first and didn't do much of anything - which was very nice!
On the second friends of mine from Flagler paid me a visit on their way back to Northern Indiana. Chuck and I have been friends since my freshman year when we both served on the worship team for the Intervarsity chapter there. Then we had a couple of classes together. Then he met his wife - what a great addition she was. Corrine is a great teacher and very patient. Their kids: Genesis, Ashton, and Gabriel came with. We enjoyed a brunch and tour of Southern before we went our separate ways.
Then I drove to Mt. Washington and went hiking in the Bernheim Forest. My friends, the Dawkinses, went there this summer. Said it was great - minus the ticks. So, I went hoping there would be no ticks - and sure enough, there were none to be found. I enjoyed 2 hikes and loved not hearing many voices or sounds except for the crunching of dead leaves beneath my feet for about 3 hours.
On my way home I went to Kohls (although I didn't find anything), Barnes and Noble and get my two new journals this year (my Biblical Femininity one and one for 2009 on recommendation from Josh Harris). Then went to Cheesecake Factory for my annual piece of cheesecake.
Got home, did some work for church, and went to bed.
Saturday was training, cooking, movie-ing, shopping, then dinner with some professors I work with/for. They cooked me a great "Florida" inspired birthday meal and we played Cranium. It was a blast. I felt very loved! Then the Colts lost - not good. Oh, well, its just football.
Sunday (my actual bday) - I love Sundays as my birthday. I get to worship "gathered" on it. It was my first Sunday serving in a new role, so I got there early, helped with set up, sang along with band practice, then church. Ending the service with "How Can I Keep From Singing" by Tomlin - what an incredible song. Just worshipping with abandon. Great fun!
Lunch with Lilly at Cafe Lou Lou's - that was fun, ending with a great dessert. Then I hung out with Chris and Sarah and Kristin and Jenny for the afternoon sipping tea, coffe, or peach Fresca (imported).
Finally - to end the night with Sojourn Gathered. Love the music - especially "Sovereign Grace O'er Sin Abounding" and "Maker and My King" - great stuff! Taking communion - remembering the grace that has brought me thus far - for a complete 31 years!
God's grace is so HUGE in my life: the ministry He has allowed me to be involved in here, new friends, a great community group, fantastic job and guys I work for, family, financial good in this time of recession, all these things - most importantly - "sovereign grace, o'er sin abounding". As another song says:
"My God your benefits demand more praise than I can give" - Maker and My King - Sojourn.
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