Worship practice was incredible. It was just that. We were getting another chance to practice our worship of our God. It was great. Too bad I'm only going to be getting part of it from now on.
Feelings...can you trust them. I am reminded of the title of that book. No, we can't - but we can trust in the unfailing Word of God. That is the only thing that won't lead us astray - due solely to the Author.
"I will rejoice, I will rejoice, and be glad." Oh what simple words, hard to do, and yet powerful when we do it. That was an amazing time last night as we sang the words of that simple song - not perfected, harmonizing, broken up with spoken words, snapping, clapping, lifting of hands, praising in the sanctuary. I can't wait to sing that song on a Sunday and see if the congregation gets it - will they? do they often?
Anyway, these Psalms are great and have been often read - but Perfector of the Word in my life, I pray that you would bring something new to my life through their readings now.
1.2 - In contrast this verse doesn't say to go to books, other people, etc. It says blessed is the man who sits in the counsel of God - he rejoices in the Law and meditates on it constantly. How important that is. But, how often I go to Godly mentors and others in the Body or I go to other books on subjects I am struggling with.
1.4 - Chaff - unedible to humans (useless) seed casings of wheat, worthless, must be separated from the wheat before the wheat can be used. Do you want to be useless or useful for the kingdom - than obey the commands in the first 2 verse of this psalm.
2.8 - A great missions verse. Ask! That is what he tells us to do. Ask for the nations and what is his response - He will give them to us as our heritage, as our possession. Oh, as JD says, may the day come that the sun never sets on the Summit Church. I pray Lord that you would constantly be working in people's lives to see the importance of missions - short term, long term, etc. Strengthen them as they say no to the things of this world and yes to their more important heritage.
3.3 - You are my glory. I don't need to make a name for myself - Lord, you will do it - in your timing and in your way (which are totally other than mine).
3.5 - Even sleep you promise - good, sound sleep. Yippy - the promises of God.
3.8 - Salvation and blessing. They go hand in hand. Not necessarily blessings of our liking - but His blessings are so much better anyway.
4.1 - Recounting what the Lord has already done to ask him to be gracious to us again and repeat the same things - hearing us when we call. Bestowing grace.
4.2, 3 - WOW - These hit this morning as I read them;
- How do I turn the honor of the Lord into shame? Everyday single day. Whether I look to myself first instead of putting the needs of others before my own; daily habitual sin, when I am not obedient in telling others of your fame and glory.
- Love Vain words - How often I want the approval of man. Godly men and women, but approval from somewhere else other than God. If I can't get it or it seems to hard to earn - than I strive even more for it.
- Seek after Lies - I don't know if I would have ever thought I "seeked after lies". This means I earnestly go looking for them. In the way of things in my life that I think will please and fulfill me when only my Savior will do that. Pleasures of this world that are fleeting and temporary at best.
- Continue to consecrate me (OC today) - continue to set me apart for yourself - as a chosen people and a royal priesthood.
- Hear me when I call! Do not let me stand in the way of unanswered prayers than blame it on you, on your absence.
4.7 - Even when things are tough - thank you for this declaration of David - that even when things aren't going well - or they are hard - you put more joy in my heart than those things (even when they are going well).
Oh, the truth of God's Word. Much better than feelings. Not even in the same ballpark. Oh, that we would be astounded and wonder. Oh, that we would rejoice and be glad because of the fountain filled with blood drawn from Emmanuel's veins.