Ok - so I am changing the look and personality of my blog a little bit. As I've gotten more into the whole blog thing, and just read the "The Lightness of Blogging" on another site - go here for that cool blog - http://blog.togetherforthegospel.org - I thought I might as well make it all I can! So, I hope you enjoy - whoever you are. Let me know if you check it out, and what you think.
The above link is for a blog for some pastors who are hosting a pastors conference at Southern Seminary in April. They are best friends and go back and forth in conversation, some fun, some theological. CJ Mahaney would have to be my fave out of all of them. He is the founder of Covenant Life Ministries, www.sovereigngraceministries.org, a reformed charistmatic church. He has written The Cross Centered Life, Christ Our Mediator, and Humility (which I just finished and now Sean has it - he's the pastor of a great and needed church plant in d-town Raleigh, www.treasuringchristchurch.com. That's Sean in the picture working on plants in a garden at a leprosy colony outside of Chiang Mai Thailand. He has a precious wife Dana, and 2 small boys. They are going to be leading worship at a college apologetics conference next weekend at Southeastern (www.sebts.edu).
As I've been reading Bob Kauflin's blog, www.worshipmatters.com, (He's the worship leader for CJ Mahaney's church in MD), I've been thinking more about worship (which I love to think about and study anyway. I have a great worship leader and have been under a great worship leader in the past (www.summitchurch.cc; www.anastasiabaptist.org), worship has always been a neat thing to study for me. Thanks to Bobby and Chris for such different styles of worship leading but with the same heart. Anyway...I'm going to hear Matt Redman, Chris Tomlin, and Louie Giglio tonight in Raleigh. www.268generation.com. I'm looking forward to a night of good worship - but what makes good worship? That is the questions...Any thoughts?
So, those are my thoughts as I start out this day - the last day of a work week, Praise God for Fridays!
Reading in the Psalms:
5.4 - Much like Is 6 and Ps 24 - "who can ascend the hill of the Lord?"
5.7-8 - Oh, here's a great answer to my above question. I love these verses. The only way we worship is through the abundance of God's love He has showed for us - GRACE.
5.11 - I love it when I'm reading Scripture and I just start singing it because people have written songs right out of the Psalms.
7.17 - Ends in a funny way. Here he has been saying that the Lord is righteous and he will destroy the wicke and those who do not repent. Then the last verse says I will rejoice because of that very thing.
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