Wow - what a fast paced crazy two days. Prayer meeting last night was great: no sound, humorous baptisms (if you need more info, just ask), sound, God-stories, way too many things to do in an hour, one young lady got sick - had to call the ambulance, then one of the babies got sick, and I had to drive her home, then I found out I would be teaching Bible study tonight - so I get to prepare something I'm not even prepared to prepare...
Then today, preparing..., haven't felt well, came home, much as I, I need to sit in the truth.
C K Chesterton (theologian) wrote: "Orthodoxy is not only true, but it is infinitely more interesting than heresy. It is alive and compelling and life-changing. Heresies come and go by fashion. The truth is unchanging and unchangeable."
The Davinci Code - fiction but also will be a heretical act of fiction for hopefully all Christians who believe in the inerrancy of the Bible. And, is that a doctrine that must be held to to be a Christian? I have to still think about that one. Anyway, Gospel of Judas, Davinci Code, The Last Temptation of Christ, the Quest for the Historical Jesus...all these things...
But, we still have the Bible. Praise God. It is truth. If you want to hear more about this, go click on the Summit to the right, and hear JD's sermons on them. He is good. Unfortunately, flights are not so predictable, so I'll be teaching our last Bible study tonight instead of him. Sorry girls.
So, the hymn for today..."Lo He Comes with Clouds Descending"
I first heard this hymn (with slight change in melody) when I was attending FBC in Youngsville before coming to the Summit (great move). It turned out to be one of my fave songs we did there. I always looked forward to singing it.
John Cennick wrote this in the late 1700s. He was a moravian teacher who knew the Wesleys. Charles Wesley worked on this hymn as well. So, as before, what does this Hymn say about God and then what is my response:
Theology (or in this case - Christology)
He became a man (Phil 2, John 1)
He died once for all sinners (Rom 5)
He is adored by saints (Rev 4, 5)
He is coming to earth again to reign - (Rev - the end)
Every eye will see him (Phil 2)
He was crucified on a tree (all the gospels, and 1 Cor 15)
He is coming to get His children (1 Thess 4, Matt 24)
He is the adored one (Phil 2.11)
His throne is eternal
He has all power and glory (Rev 4, 5)
God is everlasting (Gen 1.1)
What is my response to this great news:
Don't reject Him, He is coming, be prepared, tell others. (in a nutshell)
My fave line: (boy this is tough). I am singing it in my head. This is phenom hymn.
"Oh come quickly, oh come quickly, everlasting God come down."
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
The Theology of House
HOUSE - it is definitely one of my fave shows right now. But, the theology on house tonight - stunk. Why do most shows always paint Christians in such a weird light? Humility? Sainthood? More trials to those he loves more? Questioning the power of prayer?
Turn off TV week and TIVO
Ok - this is funny. I do listen to Z while I am work. They were talking this morning about National Turn Off your TV week. Its amusing to me why they don't pick a week during the summer to have this, when none of the shows are winding down, all are in reruns.
But, the DJs said this morning, well, "I'll just tivo it". Then what is the point of turning off your tv this week?
Kinda crazy - technology.
I don't participate in this week at all, never have, just cause. But, I don't participate in it then TIVO it.
American Idol - has on Andre Boccelli tonight, and the female dj didn't even know who he was.
But, the DJs said this morning, well, "I'll just tivo it". Then what is the point of turning off your tv this week?
Kinda crazy - technology.
I don't participate in this week at all, never have, just cause. But, I don't participate in it then TIVO it.
American Idol - has on Andre Boccelli tonight, and the female dj didn't even know who he was.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Let the amen, sound from His people again...
As you've seen on the blog the last few days - I've been posting songs. Some contemp songs are definitely better than others, but not many hold a candle to a majority of the hymns found in a typical hymnbook. So many hymns never even got published to where we could sing them on any given Sunday (not the movie). My favorite hymn is It Is Well, and we will certainly get to that one.
But, yesterday, Gaynor used a good ole hymn to open up the service with (after the Word of course). It was great, so many Scriptural truths were in it. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty. So, for the next bit, I will be going through the theology of hymns - the Scripturalness of hymns for my quiet time followed by some reading in the Valley of Vision: a book two of my mentors told me about.
This hymn was written by some guy who died when he was 30 years old. He lived in the mid-1600s. There may be some differences between now and then in terms of culture - but every
The names of God in this hymn:
Lord - the very name of God as He gives it to Moses at the burning bush (Ex 3)
Almighty - Rev 21.22 - the very center of Heaven
King of Creation (Gen 1, Ps 8, Ps 19, John 1, Ps 29:1-3)
My health and salvation - Ps 41.3 - whether here or in death
Indweller of the temple (Heb 8 - He is now our mediator)
Reigner (as in over all things) - Many times in the Psalms He is known as King
Protector and Sustainer (Ps 91.1, Phil 4.13, Ps 31.15) -
Prosperer and Defender (Ps37.7)
Goodness, mercy, omnipresent (Ps 23)
Almighty (I think we covered this one)
Adored - Its what the angels do
Lover (Hosea)
Friend (John)
What am I commanded to do in response to this knowledge?
Praise Him (how many times does it say that?) - Ps 150
Obey Him (all who hear, come) - John, Ps 1
Gladly adore Him - He doesn't want our mean spirits or "have-tos"
Think about Him (Deut) - When I think about the Lord... (another great song that isn't a hymn)
Wholeheartedly worship Him - He wants EVERYTHING - oh how hard that is.
Why is it so hard? Living the Christian life with JEsus as Lord is much harder I think than anyone ever told me. It is easy to give my life over to someone for the big things because He is the only perfect one and I stake my life on that. But, to give over the daily grind, the wanting to watch TV, the wanting to sleep a little bit later, the wanting to have opinions and share them for my own gain...This is the hard stuff.
I'll try to pick out a fave line out of all these hymns:
"Let the amen, sound from His people again" - What He has said, He will do, He is of His Word!
But, yesterday, Gaynor used a good ole hymn to open up the service with (after the Word of course). It was great, so many Scriptural truths were in it. Praise to the Lord, the Almighty. So, for the next bit, I will be going through the theology of hymns - the Scripturalness of hymns for my quiet time followed by some reading in the Valley of Vision: a book two of my mentors told me about.
This hymn was written by some guy who died when he was 30 years old. He lived in the mid-1600s. There may be some differences between now and then in terms of culture - but every
The names of God in this hymn:
Lord - the very name of God as He gives it to Moses at the burning bush (Ex 3)
Almighty - Rev 21.22 - the very center of Heaven
King of Creation (Gen 1, Ps 8, Ps 19, John 1, Ps 29:1-3)
My health and salvation - Ps 41.3 - whether here or in death
Indweller of the temple (Heb 8 - He is now our mediator)
Reigner (as in over all things) - Many times in the Psalms He is known as King
Protector and Sustainer (Ps 91.1, Phil 4.13, Ps 31.15) -
Prosperer and Defender (Ps37.7)
Goodness, mercy, omnipresent (Ps 23)
Almighty (I think we covered this one)
Adored - Its what the angels do
Lover (Hosea)
Friend (John)
What am I commanded to do in response to this knowledge?
Praise Him (how many times does it say that?) - Ps 150
Obey Him (all who hear, come) - John, Ps 1
Gladly adore Him - He doesn't want our mean spirits or "have-tos"
Think about Him (Deut) - When I think about the Lord... (another great song that isn't a hymn)
Wholeheartedly worship Him - He wants EVERYTHING - oh how hard that is.
Why is it so hard? Living the Christian life with JEsus as Lord is much harder I think than anyone ever told me. It is easy to give my life over to someone for the big things because He is the only perfect one and I stake my life on that. But, to give over the daily grind, the wanting to watch TV, the wanting to sleep a little bit later, the wanting to have opinions and share them for my own gain...This is the hard stuff.
I'll try to pick out a fave line out of all these hymns:
"Let the amen, sound from His people again" - What He has said, He will do, He is of His Word!
You are God alone! (Praise God for that)
WEll, Philips Craig and Dean to my knowledge have not changed their views on the Trinity, but at least they got this song right: This is playing right now on the Z.
Phillips Craig & Dean - You Are God Alone
From the album Let the Worshippers Arise
You are not a godCreated by human hands
You are not a godDependant on any mortal man
You are not a godIn need of anything we can give
By Your plan, that’s just the way it is
Chorus:You are God aloneFrom before time began
You were on Your throneYour are God alone
And right nowIn the good times and bad
You are on Your throneYou are God alone
You’re the only GodWhose power none can contend
You’re the only GodWhose name and praise will never end
You’re the only GodWho’s worthy of everything we can giveYou are GodAnd that’s just the way it is
Bridge:UnchangeableUnshakableUnstoppableThat’s what You are
Phillips Craig & Dean - You Are God Alone
From the album Let the Worshippers Arise
You are not a godCreated by human hands
You are not a godDependant on any mortal man
You are not a godIn need of anything we can give
By Your plan, that’s just the way it is
Chorus:You are God aloneFrom before time began
You were on Your throneYour are God alone
And right nowIn the good times and bad
You are on Your throneYou are God alone
You’re the only GodWhose power none can contend
You’re the only GodWhose name and praise will never end
You’re the only GodWho’s worthy of everything we can giveYou are GodAnd that’s just the way it is
Bridge:UnchangeableUnshakableUnstoppableThat’s what You are
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Add another one to the pile
While I'm listening to the songs today...this is one that Selah does, and I love the words to it...(at least the portions I have here). Of course there is a pop version of this song, so take it for what you will....
You Raise Me Up
When I am down, and oh my soul, so weary.
When troubles come, and my heart burdened be.
Then I am still and wait here in the silence.
Until You come and sit awhile with me.
There is no life no life without its hunger.
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly.
But when you come and I am filled with wonder.
Sometimes I think I glimpse eternity.
You Raise Me Up
When I am down, and oh my soul, so weary.
When troubles come, and my heart burdened be.
Then I am still and wait here in the silence.
Until You come and sit awhile with me.
There is no life no life without its hunger.
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly.
But when you come and I am filled with wonder.
Sometimes I think I glimpse eternity.
Casting Crowns
Another great song I'm loving right now...
Praise You in the Storm - Casting Crowns
I was sure by now God You would have reached down
And wiped our tears awayAnd stepped in and saved the day
Once again, I say Amen, and it is still raining
As the thunder rolls I barely hear you whisper through the rain
I'm with you
As your mercy fallsI raise my hands
and praise the God who gives and takes away
I'll Praise you in this storm
And I will lift my hands
You are who you are
No matter where I am
And every tear I've criedYou hold in your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will Praise You in this storm
I remember whenI stumbled in the wind
You heard my cryYou raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry onIf I can't find you
I lift my eyes into the hillsWhere does my help come from
My help comes from the Lord
The maker of heaven and earth
Praise You in the Storm - Casting Crowns
I was sure by now God You would have reached down
And wiped our tears awayAnd stepped in and saved the day
Once again, I say Amen, and it is still raining
As the thunder rolls I barely hear you whisper through the rain
I'm with you
As your mercy fallsI raise my hands
and praise the God who gives and takes away
I'll Praise you in this storm
And I will lift my hands
You are who you are
No matter where I am
And every tear I've criedYou hold in your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will Praise You in this storm
I remember whenI stumbled in the wind
You heard my cryYou raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry onIf I can't find you
I lift my eyes into the hillsWhere does my help come from
My help comes from the Lord
The maker of heaven and earth
There is No GOD like Jehovah!
Oh, how I love that song. I used to only hear it occasionally when the Summit would sing it, but now that Twila Paris has done it (I think it is her), I hear it all the time on the station I listen to out of Orlando. (z88)
And why does it only seem truth (meaning I do something about it - truth that is doable in my life) when other things fail - when I go through disappointment of any size or measure. I live my life for other things thinking they will fill me when all they do is leave me empty and far away from the God who is like no other.
here are the words to that song:
These are the days of Elijah,Declaring the word of the Lord:And these are the days of Your servant Moses,Righteousness being restored.And though these are days of great trial,Of famine and darkness and sword,Still, we are the voice in the desert crying'Prepare ye the way of the Lord!'
Behold He comes riding on the clouds,Shining like the sun at the trumpet call;Lift your voice, it's the year of jubilee,And out of Zion's hill salvation comes.
These are the days of Ezekiel,The dry bones becoming as flesh;And these are the days of Your servant David,Rebuilding a temple of praise.These are the days of the harvest,The fields are as white in Your world,And we are the labourers in Your vineyard,Declaring the word of the Lord!
There's no God like Jehovah.There's no God like Jehovah!
And why does it only seem truth (meaning I do something about it - truth that is doable in my life) when other things fail - when I go through disappointment of any size or measure. I live my life for other things thinking they will fill me when all they do is leave me empty and far away from the God who is like no other.
here are the words to that song:
These are the days of Elijah,Declaring the word of the Lord:And these are the days of Your servant Moses,Righteousness being restored.And though these are days of great trial,Of famine and darkness and sword,Still, we are the voice in the desert crying'Prepare ye the way of the Lord!'
Behold He comes riding on the clouds,Shining like the sun at the trumpet call;Lift your voice, it's the year of jubilee,And out of Zion's hill salvation comes.
These are the days of Ezekiel,The dry bones becoming as flesh;And these are the days of Your servant David,Rebuilding a temple of praise.These are the days of the harvest,The fields are as white in Your world,And we are the labourers in Your vineyard,Declaring the word of the Lord!
There's no God like Jehovah.There's no God like Jehovah!
Teaching on Malachi
So, tonight was the last of the minor prophets for our small group (we'll catch up next week with Haggai).
But, Malachi has been a favorite book of mine since preparing a teaching outline for Dr. Nelson's class at seminary. It is a great. I told my girls that a subtitle would be "Unmasking Authentic and Inauthentic Worship".
From His commands to the nation as a whole (the normal people) to the commands to the priests (the pastors). Basically...all these "but, what" questions that the people ask God - how are they not worshipping the way He told them to?
How often do we worship in ways that He didn't tell us to - or do worship wrong: focusing on us, the style, what we sing, who we listen to, what we are wearing, what others are wearing, etc.
Thanks to Jesus our Great High Priest.
But, Malachi has been a favorite book of mine since preparing a teaching outline for Dr. Nelson's class at seminary. It is a great. I told my girls that a subtitle would be "Unmasking Authentic and Inauthentic Worship".
From His commands to the nation as a whole (the normal people) to the commands to the priests (the pastors). Basically...all these "but, what" questions that the people ask God - how are they not worshipping the way He told them to?
How often do we worship in ways that He didn't tell us to - or do worship wrong: focusing on us, the style, what we sing, who we listen to, what we are wearing, what others are wearing, etc.
Thanks to Jesus our Great High Priest.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Post Taxes - Tulips and Jesus

Yes, I just finished my taxes, now I just have to get them photocopied tomorrow at Kinkos and give NC my due. (I got stuff back from the Feds again this year). Believe me, sometimes I wish I still lived in FL - no personal income tax. Such a nice treat!
This flower is definitely one of my faves. They signal the beginning of Spring to me. I guess my first experience of them was at the Seminary. There was a fund just for the tulips every year. Meaning...someone gave money just to buy tons of tulips every year and keep the campus looking pretty. But, I still love tulips. This picture was taken on my trip to DC last weekend. You can see the rain drops on them (from the rain of course). They were gorgeous.
But, even more important than tulips, is what this weekend is. No, its not just a weekend (of which I am very glad that it is), but it is more importantly the life giving event that encaptures the only reason I'm alive and breathing. Its EASTER!!! I love celebrating it with my church family since I don't have my real family here to celebrate it with me. Believe me, it is all found in 1 Corinthians 15 - I love meditating on that chapter. Paul's brilliant (ultimately, God was saying it to him). 15.17 - "And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile, and you are still in your sins." I definitely still struggle daily with sins...but thanks be to God for His indescrible gift and the empty tomb that I will not struggle with them eternally - because Jesus has conquered death - therefore, since by grace I have been saved through faith by God choosing me before the foundations of the world to be found in Him - I have VICTORY!! Good gracious - that is good stuff! That is the whole meaning of life right there - nothing else really matters!
Anyway...there is a song done by The Choir a long time ago. I had never heard it until this January while I was in Thailand with my church, two girls out of the band The Cord sang this song - it was great. What was even better was when my co-teacher, Veronica - also known as JD's beautiful wife, and Jennifer, another member of The Cord, played it as part of our worship/prayer set for Wednesday's Bible study. It is called Beautiful Scandalous Night:
Go on up to the mountain of mercy, to the crimson perpetual tide
kneel down on the shore, be thirsty no more, go under and be purified
follow Christ to the holy mountain, sinner, sorry and wrecked by the fall
cleanse your heart and your soul, in the fountain that flows, for you and for me and for all
on the hillside you will be delivered at the foot of the cross justified
and your spirit restored by the river that pours from our blessed Savior's side
At the wonderful tragic mysterious tree
On that beautiful scandalous night you and me
Were atoned by His blood and forever washed white
On that beautiful scandalous night
I hope if you are reading this...and you don't know Jesus...and you live in the Triangle area of NC - come to The Summit (look to the right for the link) on Sunday morning (Easter Sunday) and learn how you can have life and have it to the fullest (John 10.10). If you don't live in the area, find a church (yellow pages are good), or just respond to me, via comment, and tell me where you live, and I probably know a Bible-believing church you can go to to hear the Good NEWS preached from the Bible.
If you do know Jesus - take some time this weekend to meditate on the Cross and the Empty Tomb - its your life source!
Rom 8.32
Blessings this Easter weekend -

Sunday, April 09, 2006
Golf, bears, & cars (oh my!)

These are really being posted for my Dad. We would (and still do) drive around and he could always tell me the date and model of the classic car. They had many classic cars in the parade yesterday.

This is another classic car that drove by. Looked a jail car that was used in the movie Newsies or slightly like the one used in the Count of Monte Cristo
This is probably what people at the Masters felt like too yesterday, it was rained out and being finished (3rd round) right now. Phil has got to start making some birdies - he can't play it safe and make par if he expects to repeat the green jacket. But, I found this poor dead umbrella somewhere around the 600 block of Jefferson - poor, poor, little guy.

Saturday, April 08, 2006
Pics from DC

This is of course the Monument. It was full for tickets to go up, so we had to settle for the ground floor view.

The next picture is Dana, me, Rachael, and Victoria awaiting the arrival of our first metrorail to take us to the Smithsonian.
The third is of course the metro sign! :)
The next is one of the floats in the parade. There were others: a panda bear, hello kitty, but mostly pretty good high school bands (one from Naples, FL) and freezing tap dancers because it was cold!
Then this is the guy that asks you if you want to buy a vowel. I got to see Pat Sajak - the highlight of the day! :) I'm almost kidding!
Always, good to be in our Nation's Cap. Great city - great country...will have to go back up there!

Buying Vowels in DC
Well, 3 of my friends (including 1 new one - who ended up being from FL - good stuff) took an overnight trip to DC. We stayed in Crystal City. We had to argue (nicely of course) with the front desk staff, but finely got to sleep the top floor. Couldn't really see much from our hotel room though. We made it up there in record time.
Got up to rain...but we were going to make the best of it. So, we rode the metro (that is definitely how you get around in DC or any city), got off at the Smithsonian station. We walked down toward the Washington Monument - it was gorgeous even in the rain and cloudy skies. Then walked toward the parade - Cherry Blossom Parade that is. And I got to see Pat Sajak - yes, all I wanted to say as "Can I have an O?" But, even though we could take his picture, we couldn't yell at him. Oh, well.
Then they enjoyed the National Gallery of Art. Nice building, but I'm not much into french oil paintings, so I looked at it quickly, looked in the gift shop, and then talked with a friend who lives in Fairfax waiting for them.
We then walked to Georgetown (yes we took the Metro part of the way), ate at this great little bistro.
Then, we came was just too cold and rainy and windy to really want to do anything outside. So, I've still got several things I want to do in DC - can I really ever do it all?
Well, enjoy the pictures...these are my friends Victoria, Rachael, and Dana.
Got up to rain...but we were going to make the best of it. So, we rode the metro (that is definitely how you get around in DC or any city), got off at the Smithsonian station. We walked down toward the Washington Monument - it was gorgeous even in the rain and cloudy skies. Then walked toward the parade - Cherry Blossom Parade that is. And I got to see Pat Sajak - yes, all I wanted to say as "Can I have an O?" But, even though we could take his picture, we couldn't yell at him. Oh, well.
Then they enjoyed the National Gallery of Art. Nice building, but I'm not much into french oil paintings, so I looked at it quickly, looked in the gift shop, and then talked with a friend who lives in Fairfax waiting for them.
We then walked to Georgetown (yes we took the Metro part of the way), ate at this great little bistro.
Then, we came was just too cold and rainy and windy to really want to do anything outside. So, I've still got several things I want to do in DC - can I really ever do it all?
Well, enjoy the pictures...these are my friends Victoria, Rachael, and Dana.
to a young man

Two verses:
Ps 78.72 - (This is for Shep) - With upright heart he shepherded themand guided them with his skillful hand - I pray this for you little man. I pray that you will grow up to be a skillful leader of people for God and His Kingdom.
Prov 22.6 - Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. (this is for Brad and Lindsay).
Guys - I'm so glad God brought you back into my life, looking forward to another night of spades sometime (with feedings in between for Shep) and looking forward to what God is going to do with you guys!
Love you - "Aunt KD"
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Engaging the Freshman Culture - Duke style
Since working at Duke, I've been exposed to many things within the University that has caused me to think. This is the latest. The Summer Reading Committee has decided on the book all incoming freshman will be reading before they enter in the Fall.
At first I was appalled that they would be making them read it, but now I think I'll go get the book myself. The ethics profs at SEBTS would love to read it (if they already haven't). Anyone interested in theological and medical ethics or the sanctity of human life should get this book. No, I haven't read it yet, but plan on getting it with a coupon that I have.
I need to be able to engage the culture of college students. Since we have many Duke students who attend the Summit, and I work at Duke, I need to be on top of this. When they have to discuss it in small groups when they arrive at the U in the Fall, I need to be ready to engage them in their thoughts of this book.
This book is about a girl who has luekemia and needs someone to be a match for transplants. Her parents biomedically engineer (conceive) her sister for this purpose. At 13, the sister sues her parents for medical rights of her body. There is surpise ending...don't know what it is. So, is the sister's life only valuable because she is going to give up a "normal" life to help her sister live? Her life isn't valuable in and of the fact that she was created to be a human being - formed in the image of her Creator. Anyway...this is fiction - but isn't this where our ethics in the medical field will soon take us?
At first I was appalled that they would be making them read it, but now I think I'll go get the book myself. The ethics profs at SEBTS would love to read it (if they already haven't). Anyone interested in theological and medical ethics or the sanctity of human life should get this book. No, I haven't read it yet, but plan on getting it with a coupon that I have.
I need to be able to engage the culture of college students. Since we have many Duke students who attend the Summit, and I work at Duke, I need to be on top of this. When they have to discuss it in small groups when they arrive at the U in the Fall, I need to be ready to engage them in their thoughts of this book.
This book is about a girl who has luekemia and needs someone to be a match for transplants. Her parents biomedically engineer (conceive) her sister for this purpose. At 13, the sister sues her parents for medical rights of her body. There is surpise ending...don't know what it is. So, is the sister's life only valuable because she is going to give up a "normal" life to help her sister live? Her life isn't valuable in and of the fact that she was created to be a human being - formed in the image of her Creator. Anyway...this is fiction - but isn't this where our ethics in the medical field will soon take us?
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Zephaniah and the orange highlighter
Zephaniah - the book that overworked the underpaid orange highlighter!
I used an orange highlighter to highlight (no joke) the judgments in Zephaniah - most of it was orange - poor highlighter.
Anyway...good stuff. Condemms the false worshippers (I would be under the hand of God's judgments). But for the grace of God go I! (John 8) He rebukes us for not listening, not accepting correction, not trusting in Him or drawing near to Him. He calls us to seek righteousness and humility. How do I seek humility? Everything I see calls to pride? Where do I find something different?
But then, minus stupid songs and cheezy lines: God is my close winning warrior who loves me quietly and rejoices over me with loud singing. When everything else in my life is a madhouse, I know I have God's unconditional quieting love to sustain me and carry me through everything.
And for that, I'm glad I'm hidden in Yahweh (only through the blood of Jesus). BTW, that is what Zeph means...hidden in Yahweh - are you?
I used an orange highlighter to highlight (no joke) the judgments in Zephaniah - most of it was orange - poor highlighter.
Anyway...good stuff. Condemms the false worshippers (I would be under the hand of God's judgments). But for the grace of God go I! (John 8) He rebukes us for not listening, not accepting correction, not trusting in Him or drawing near to Him. He calls us to seek righteousness and humility. How do I seek humility? Everything I see calls to pride? Where do I find something different?
But then, minus stupid songs and cheezy lines: God is my close winning warrior who loves me quietly and rejoices over me with loud singing. When everything else in my life is a madhouse, I know I have God's unconditional quieting love to sustain me and carry me through everything.
And for that, I'm glad I'm hidden in Yahweh (only through the blood of Jesus). BTW, that is what Zeph means...hidden in Yahweh - are you?
Monday, April 03, 2006
Teamwork = Gators = NATIONAL CHAMPS!
Its all about TEAMWORK!!!
Oh my goodness. 10 years after Wuerffel and Spurrier won the National Championship in football, Donovan and the 5 starters for FL - won the National Championship with the round orange ball!
They played aggressive, they played together as a team, they got a few "non" calls made when they traveled (are the refs really that blind), they blocked, they shot well, and they stayed with the game! :)
It wasn't just Noah, or Green, or Humphreys - it was all of them! :)
So, Urban Meyer, Steve Spurrier - you got another coach on your hands. The 2000 team loss to Mich State doesn't matter - my Gators have just now at this moment won the national championship! Oh, what it would be like to be in G-ville right now! :)
It is lonely up here to be a GATOR fan, but I'll never stop!
We are the boys from old Florida, F L O R I D A. So, I didn't go there, but its ok! Flagler holds nothing that FL doesn't (except for my school loan papers!)
CHOMP CHOMP!!! See ya back next year! Good job Billy!
Oh my goodness. 10 years after Wuerffel and Spurrier won the National Championship in football, Donovan and the 5 starters for FL - won the National Championship with the round orange ball!
They played aggressive, they played together as a team, they got a few "non" calls made when they traveled (are the refs really that blind), they blocked, they shot well, and they stayed with the game! :)
It wasn't just Noah, or Green, or Humphreys - it was all of them! :)
So, Urban Meyer, Steve Spurrier - you got another coach on your hands. The 2000 team loss to Mich State doesn't matter - my Gators have just now at this moment won the national championship! Oh, what it would be like to be in G-ville right now! :)
It is lonely up here to be a GATOR fan, but I'll never stop!
We are the boys from old Florida, F L O R I D A. So, I didn't go there, but its ok! Flagler holds nothing that FL doesn't (except for my school loan papers!)
CHOMP CHOMP!!! See ya back next year! Good job Billy!
a rainy monday morning...
A Rainy Monday morning. It has already been storming here for the morning. Started shortly after I got up. Made some brownie cupcakes with pb chips on top this morning - they are for choir practice. Ate some eggo waffles and ff strawberry milk for breakfast. I just don't have any cereal or oatmeal and eggos were on sale - so you go for what is cheapest. They have been a great change for a while.
Today is busy. Work of course...(at least Duke girls won last night so there is a little bright spot for the Devils). Having lunch with a lady from church as we do some planning for upcoming events. Then hopefully if it is not raining I'll go walk around Duke's East campus tonight with Claudia. One of my girls and I are eating dinner together - since we haven't hung out one/one very much lately. Busy schedules - good gracious! Then off to choir practice and then home to watch the GOOD GAME! Can't wait!
Ok - on to some Psalms 44-50, then Leviticus tonight after the game...
40.8 - Do I desire that - or would I rather do my own thing most of the time - the thing that comforts me and makes me happy - no matter what it is. Usually that is the case...God help me to love your will and desire to do it, even when I would rather do what pleases me.
Ps 46.4 - Here is another verse that is a song. It is the first verse of the little chorus that Carol Cymbala wrote - "I will rejoice". Great stuff.
Today is busy. Work of course...(at least Duke girls won last night so there is a little bright spot for the Devils). Having lunch with a lady from church as we do some planning for upcoming events. Then hopefully if it is not raining I'll go walk around Duke's East campus tonight with Claudia. One of my girls and I are eating dinner together - since we haven't hung out one/one very much lately. Busy schedules - good gracious! Then off to choir practice and then home to watch the GOOD GAME! Can't wait!
Ok - on to some Psalms 44-50, then Leviticus tonight after the game...
40.8 - Do I desire that - or would I rather do my own thing most of the time - the thing that comforts me and makes me happy - no matter what it is. Usually that is the case...God help me to love your will and desire to do it, even when I would rather do what pleases me.
Ps 46.4 - Here is another verse that is a song. It is the first verse of the little chorus that Carol Cymbala wrote - "I will rejoice". Great stuff.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
LOST - an hour of sleep that is
Today was good. Even though I lost an hour of sleep - good day. Sat with some of my girls during church today, so it was good to see them. Saw one of my girls who is getting married and may actually get to meet with her next week.
Hung out with a friend for lunch over here. Most things turned out ok - rice was bland till you put some fresh salsa over it, but the new dessert things turned out well. I'm such a geek - I watch Food TV all the time. Would never want to be a Food TV Star, but oh how I love to cook. I would never want to get to a point where I hate cooking. Talked theology, ministry, and how the combine.
Then I went to hear one of my fave seminary profs speak at Greystone Baptist here in Durham. He spoke on how to be a better teacher - always inspires me to be a better teacher. Dr. Coley is his name - he teaches at Southeastern and he just started a new Christian school in Henderson NC called Crossroads.
Then I went and hung out with kiddos...then came home and watched some tv and played around on the internet. Good Sunday...
Tomorrow - lunch with a friend, work, walking, dinner with one of my girls, choir practice, baking brownies, GO GATORS - a full day, but it will hopefully end with a FLORIDA win!
Hung out with a friend for lunch over here. Most things turned out ok - rice was bland till you put some fresh salsa over it, but the new dessert things turned out well. I'm such a geek - I watch Food TV all the time. Would never want to be a Food TV Star, but oh how I love to cook. I would never want to get to a point where I hate cooking. Talked theology, ministry, and how the combine.
Then I went to hear one of my fave seminary profs speak at Greystone Baptist here in Durham. He spoke on how to be a better teacher - always inspires me to be a better teacher. Dr. Coley is his name - he teaches at Southeastern and he just started a new Christian school in Henderson NC called Crossroads.
Then I went and hung out with kiddos...then came home and watched some tv and played around on the internet. Good Sunday...
Tomorrow - lunch with a friend, work, walking, dinner with one of my girls, choir practice, baking brownies, GO GATORS - a full day, but it will hopefully end with a FLORIDA win!
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Gators, wings, and shopping...oh, what a great day!
Whoohooo! Go Gators. The Pats kept it close the first half and they did well. But...second half (just like most of the other games the Gators have played) wasn't much of a game. They are in the finals. Hopefully it turns out better then the one a few years ago when they lost to Mich St. Monday night it is!
Made some great chicken wings (thanks to Alan and his pastor Keith). They were great. Had some girls over and they enjoyed them with me. Gave some away to them for their b-friends and sisters. Made some homemade salsa and scratch cupcakes. All turned out well.
Did some shopping today and got measured for the bridesmaid dress. It is really pretty and will look good. It was Michelle's fave and it is really pretty.
Anyway...that is all. Gotta figure out if I'm going to watch the other game...its not nearly as important as the first game was!
Made some great chicken wings (thanks to Alan and his pastor Keith). They were great. Had some girls over and they enjoyed them with me. Gave some away to them for their b-friends and sisters. Made some homemade salsa and scratch cupcakes. All turned out well.
Did some shopping today and got measured for the bridesmaid dress. It is really pretty and will look good. It was Michelle's fave and it is really pretty.
Anyway...that is all. Gotta figure out if I'm going to watch the other game...its not nearly as important as the first game was!
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