Yes, I just finished my taxes, now I just have to get them photocopied tomorrow at Kinkos and give NC my due. (I got stuff back from the Feds again this year). Believe me, sometimes I wish I still lived in FL - no personal income tax. Such a nice treat!
This flower is definitely one of my faves. They signal the beginning of Spring to me. I guess my first experience of them was at the Seminary. There was a fund just for the tulips every year. Meaning...someone gave money just to buy tons of tulips every year and keep the campus looking pretty. But, I still love tulips. This picture was taken on my trip to DC last weekend. You can see the rain drops on them (from the rain of course). They were gorgeous.
But, even more important than tulips, is what this weekend is. No, its not just a weekend (of which I am very glad that it is), but it is more importantly the life giving event that encaptures the only reason I'm alive and breathing. Its EASTER!!! I love celebrating it with my church family since I don't have my real family here to celebrate it with me. Believe me, it is all found in 1 Corinthians 15 - I love meditating on that chapter. Paul's brilliant (ultimately, God was saying it to him). 15.17 - "And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile, and you are still in your sins." I definitely still struggle daily with sins...but thanks be to God for His indescrible gift and the empty tomb that I will not struggle with them eternally - because Jesus has conquered death - therefore, since by grace I have been saved through faith by God choosing me before the foundations of the world to be found in Him - I have VICTORY!! Good gracious - that is good stuff! That is the whole meaning of life right there - nothing else really matters!
Anyway...there is a song done by The Choir a long time ago. I had never heard it until this January while I was in Thailand with my church, two girls out of the band The Cord sang this song - it was great. What was even better was when my co-teacher, Veronica - also known as JD's beautiful wife, and Jennifer, another member of The Cord, played it as part of our worship/prayer set for Wednesday's Bible study. It is called Beautiful Scandalous Night:
Go on up to the mountain of mercy, to the crimson perpetual tide
kneel down on the shore, be thirsty no more, go under and be purified
follow Christ to the holy mountain, sinner, sorry and wrecked by the fall
cleanse your heart and your soul, in the fountain that flows, for you and for me and for all
on the hillside you will be delivered at the foot of the cross justified
and your spirit restored by the river that pours from our blessed Savior's side
At the wonderful tragic mysterious tree
On that beautiful scandalous night you and me
Were atoned by His blood and forever washed white
On that beautiful scandalous night
I hope if you are reading this...and you don't know Jesus...and you live in the Triangle area of NC - come to The Summit (look to the right for the link) on Sunday morning (Easter Sunday) and learn how you can have life and have it to the fullest (John 10.10). If you don't live in the area, find a church (yellow pages are good), or just respond to me, via comment, and tell me where you live, and I probably know a Bible-believing church you can go to to hear the Good NEWS preached from the Bible.
If you do know Jesus - take some time this weekend to meditate on the Cross and the Empty Tomb - its your life source!
Rom 8.32
Blessings this Easter weekend -

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