Monday, November 07, 2005

God vs cows

I will bless the Lord at all times, at all times...I will bless the Lord. Thank you for those words this morning - help it to be true in my life.

104.2 - Caedmon's call
104.4 - He "ministers a flaming fire". This is one of the things that is listed as making Him great. What a concept - his ministering (which we always think of as positive) is listed with a fearful deadly thing of fire - his consuming fire-ness. Which ultimately is a positive thing, but not for our flesh.
104.13 - How the earth is even satisfied in what you do for her - how much more (Matthew) should we be satisfied with what you do for us?
105.1 - Worship, petitioning, missions - all in one verse - should say something about our lives?...
105.3,4 - What great verses to meditate on today (and everyday for that matter). Glory in His name - where our strength lies - then I will rejoice because I am glorying in His name and not my own. Seeking Him - looking for Him (and finding Him). Seeking and dwelling in His presence continually - always - and therefore living in His strength that He provides that is found in His presence.
105.40 - Bread in abundance, but only for the day. He made a law on it - needing it only to be given for the day and for them to obey and trust Him.
105.45 - He gave abundantly so they might obey and praise Him! So let me do in the abundance of my living...
106.5 - glory with your inheritance - not in which I what I would think...with...have to think on that preposition for a bit.
106.8 - You saved them to show your power - that is why you still save today - to show your power and your character.
106.20 - How silly that sounds...exchanged the glory of God for something that eats grass. If we looked at our "other" worship like that would we ever worship something besides God. Like the things we look at and have - the created things rather than the creator - the puny worthless things.
106.34,35 - Disobedience always leads to more disobedience.

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