First - this blog is brought to you in part by America's b-day (go freedom and the red, white, and blue) and also PL Jones - yes, you know who you are! It is your 22nd b-day. PL - is a recent grad of UNC, tv anchor extraordinaire, Capital Fitness wanna-be, pro-spinning class taker, and good baked ziti eater! Truly - good guy. Thanks PL for your friendship and for eating my baked ziti - Enjoy your day!

This is me and Rach in Cary for the fireworks. We saw everyone. I sat beside people from RCCC (Vince, look on for the cool picture of the Lumpy's guy - that's for you). Then I ran into people from WXR (the Mann's and Nate). Then I saw people from the Summit - everyone was out enjoying themselves! I would say we did!

This is the NC Symphony playing. They did a good job!

Next is my piece of all-American dessert - watermelon from Whole Foods. It was yummy and sticky!
Finally is the in-charge Lumpy's kilt wearing guy. He was funny. Anyway, Vince - your wife said you liked ice cream and that is really why you chose the spot you sat in tonight - but really, it was sit under that tree you called a what???
Anyway, onto normal things now. It has been a great day. I love watching fireworks - they make me feel like a kid again (note to self- never bring kids to see fireworks - they scream). I'm sitting back ready for the next big thing just grinnin' away. It is fun! The rest of the day was brought to you buy Shane and Shane. I was reading the end of the Psalms today and most of it I could sing the Shane Psalms CD to. I love being able to learn Scripture to music.
Leave you tonight with this thought: Ps 147.4 - he will satisfy with the finest of wheat. What more could we want? But, what less do we put our hope in...
Oh, Jesus - continue to cause me to yearn for you, to sit in silence before you, to take serious your Word and Your Truth - for you bring life out of it.
Thank you for allowing me to live in a country where it is ok to read the Word and tell people about Jesus whenever I want. May that always be. Don't turn your face away from us lest we die.

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