Tuesday, July 11, 2006

What would a good title be?

Busy day today...but it is almost over and has been a relaxful evening. I enjoyed soup and Taebo - what a great match! I got some Piper reading in and now I'm sitting down to complete my QT for the day and go to bed!
Ps 7
What to do when people speak falsely against us. David sung. What do we do - get mad, get even, gossip, yell...He sang - he sang to God who is his only deliverer.
Again, the language is very vivid - lions tearing, rending, leaving nothing behind. And we thought people talked bad about Bush - David always had assissination attempts on his head. There wasn't even any media attention or 2 gun theories.
Oh Lord, if... He was confessing his sins...he was pleading his innocence before a holy and just God. He was saying - Lord, if I have done anything wrong - you be my judge.
David wants God to retain Judgment - to be the judge against him and his enemies. He knows he will be just in it. His righteousness is better than any.
My junior year of high school for a school t-shirt we had on "Rom 8.31 - if God is for us, who can be against us." I wish David had known these words, but Paul came much later - but David knew the theme and he knew the truth behind that verse (even hundreds of years before).
God is the only one who can judge the thoughts and motivations of the heart. We have no right to - we can only tell the fruit. But, God knows the reasons, the whys, the why-nots, the pride, the honesty, the motivations. Is He pleased with mine?
It is more like "God feels indignation every day" Every day by my sin I cause God to grieve and be angry with me. I know my sin hurts God. But - thankfully - the Cross! But, let me not live by cheap Grace (as Bonhoeffer put it) but live by the costly grace of the blood of Jesus.
The pregnancy and demise of sin in 14-16 make me think of the same thing in James. Sin just doesn't happen - we think about it, dwell on it, plot it out, bring others in...all for what? A fleeting moments' pleasure? What is more worthy - a life pleasing to Christ or a life pleasing to myself (not getting into Christian hedonism there - maybe another time)?
Again - David ends this psalm - one of judgment and safety and refuge and pleading - with praise to God for His righteousness and His position, "Lord Most High"

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