Thursday, October 27, 2005

At My House

9.6 - "Begin at my house" Lord - I pray that you would start (really continue) to reform Durham and bring your glory here by starting at your house. Convict sin where it is in us - your Body. Its not easy to pray - but Lord do it. There is no question of who - everyone. Everyone needs your discipline because we are your children being sanctified every day.
11.10 - Out of judgment comes knowledge.
11.12 - Even in our disobedience - we will come to know that the Lord is God
11.19-21 - Let me be pliable in your hands - ready to do what you want me to do. If I get cocky Lord knock me down off my high horse. Because instead of knowing me, I want to know you. Instead of other's knowing me or any of the gifts you've given me, I want them to know you and only you.
12.28 - Perform it Lord - whatever it might be. Because we know that whatever you will say is exactly what we need to hear: as individuals, a body, as evangelists, as prophets, as worshipers. Thank you for still wanting to speak to us.

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