Thursday, May 31, 2007

B-day and Safety

Its Dad's b-day today, 66. Long life and God has graced him much along the way. He has taught me to be a giving person. Happy Birthday
In some ways I'm glad God is an all-seeing and knowing God, but then when my sin is hidden from everyone - I know HE sees and knows all about. He knows me better than anyone ever will and better and more intense than I will ever even know myself.
Ps 119.159
"Consider how I love your precepts, give me life according to your steadfast love."

Its funny that the psalmist asks God to consider this. Of course He knows. He's God. But what is frightening - yet safe (as JD used to say), is that He still loves us (steadfast love) even when He sees that our love for His Word (and Him) wanes and isn't always pure.
That is the love of the CROSS - all done for HIS glory - so that His steadfast love will reach the ends of the earth and everyone would know HIS renown!

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