Thursday, February 02, 2006

Friendship, Psalms 25, and a real interview

Ok - so you need to go here and read this if you are any fan of CJ Mahaney, John Piper, or Justin Taylor, or just good stuff on church, mentoring, theology, and friendship.

Group went well tonight. Good bunch of girls even though we were missing quite a few. One thing I read that I said over to them was "prophets enjoyed the fellowship with their God". They enjoyed it, they relished it, it was good time to them. How often to do I come grudgingly into my time with God? Lord, put a craving in me that makes me just enjoy You!

Speaking of, Psalm 23-25 (and Chris even used that for choir practice tonight and then I used it to lead off the prayer time in our Bible study)

Ps 23.6 - As JD has been saying...goodness and mercy "haunt me" all the days of my life. Thank you Jesus for pursuing me, for not giving up on me, for dying for me, making that bridge possible to your Father.
24.1 - Everything is the Lord's - He created it, He owns everyone in the world. They will eventually recognize that. Lord -have your way.
24.4 - Who does not lift up his soul to what is false - anything that is not of you or what takes the place of you - your rightful place in my life - TOP PRIORITY
25.5 - the God of my salvation. First G0d, then Savior and Redeemer, however you never change. you were all these things at the same time!
25.8 - God's nature brings us to our recognition (through the haunting of the Spirit) of our sin. That is why the Law is there.
25.11 - Not for me, but for you, forgive my sins. so that your fame won't be injured in the world.
25.21 - For I wait for you - patience!

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