Saturday, February 25, 2006

Blessed Saturday, Machen, and God's frustration with our listening skills

Oh, blessed Saturday - how I love them! Today I slept in a little bit, got up and was glad to have a friend over to help me pack my kitchen and we actually got most of it done! Hip hip hooray!
Then we went grocery shopping to My Harris Teeter and got starbucks for her b-day.
Now I'm back doing random things, talked to a friend, will soon take a shower, and go to said friend's b-day gathering at her house, then go to another friends house for dinner and chilling night.
Something I read this morning in a new Piper book I'm reading: (bought with a gift certificate someone gave me). Contending For Our All: Athanasius, Owen, & Machen. This was a quote by Machen:
Men tell us that our preaching should be positive and not negative, that we can preach the truth without attacking error. But if we follow that advice we should have to close our Bible and desert its teachings. The New Testament is a polemic book almost from beginning to end."
What a great thing about expository preaching today, not just "sharing words" to "tickle their ears" as so many of the EM churches and other churches (even tons of SBC churches) do today. I'm very thankful for a pastor who preaches the Word - not matter if it steps on toes or not. And as Voddie Baucham says, "if you can't say Amen, say Ouch!"

Anyway, back to Exodus: 16-18
16.3 - would we rather live in bondage and eat meat, or would we rather be free and wait for God to provide us unleavened bread? Oh, see the implications of that in our lives today:...
16.28 - How long will you refuse to keep my commandments and laws? Can't you hear the frustration in God's voice as He tells Moses this? Did He not just tell them how to work the manna - but do they we?

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