Whoohoo - news! Actually this is from yesterday but I have pictures today! One of my best friends and my worship pastor are getting married. Red Sea parting miracle. Praise Jesus!
The first is his showing her off at choir practice where he got a standing ovation. Ps 34 and the radiance was a good illustration of the bottom picture of the gorgeous ring he gave her. The middle is of us - oh I'm so excited!
Bible study tonight was a gift of God. I hadn't prepared like a should, but God was still able to work. Teaching in Joel and focused on repentance. The kindness of the Lord, leads you to repentance is what Rom 2.4 says. I love Acts 3.19 - so that times of refreshing will come from the Lord. "Your beauty Lord, makes us stand in silence." I asked my girls this - does it? Do we see God's beauty and know His face that it makes us stand in silence and be able to take our eyes off of Him? Do we do it just to get blessed or because of the strength of His beauty? Obedience is better than sacrifice. That I may gaze upon the beauty of the Lord all the days of my life and inquire in His temple.
Catching up from yesterday:
Hebrews - the end of it
12.1-2 Perfect verse for Joel's people: let us lay aside every sin and weight that so easily tangles. Focus on Jesus. That is all
12.10 - but he disciplines us for our good, so that we may share in his holiness. That is why we go through tests and trials.
12.28 - Erin got this tonight - reverence and awe - but why - because our God is a consuming fire - consuming for His holiness not to be stripped away.
Esther 1-3
The beginnings of her character: beauty, obedience, boldness, favor, patience, strength
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