Thursday, February 16, 2006

Sleeping or the Word, ABC, and Esther

This is definitely one of those morning when I wish I could sleep in. Didn't get to bed until after midnight - nothing highly unusual, but I just wish I could sleep in sometime. Oh, well. Ain't going to happen this weekend.
This is also a day when I'm reminded of the Sean Cordell sermon I just listened to ( about the Word and how we think we need so much (sleep, tv, play time) other stuff other than being in the Word. I said that to myself as I passed by my bed this morning when I wish I could have just gotten back in it.
This morning my old youth group travels to WVA to Snowshoe for Skiquest 8 or 9 or something like that. They have been taking them since I was there. They are talking about the end times. Pray for safety this weekend, time in the Word, Mason (who is the youth pastor), and traveling safety. You can check them out at
On to Esther 4-7...
6.10 - Ah, the bitter agony of humiliation
6.11 - you know he had to say that with great sarcasm and disgust
More of Esther's characteristics: fasting person, intercessor, bold, not easily scared

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